A confrontation of my relationship with my father, specifically a personal confrontation in which I address emotions that I’ve pushed aside for years. Through a denunciation of Abraham’s actions, as faithful as they may be, I invite the viewer into my exploration of deep-rooted traumas within myself. Using techniques of repetition and sequence, I consider the ways in which my memories of these moments have degraded over time, an issue I’ve begun to grapple with as I go on this personal journey.
A video piece representing Ursula K Le Guin's words from her essay, The Carrier Bag Theory.
Using images from the collection at the MET, I harken back to the ancient people of our world and our similarities. It's easy to get caught up in our 21st century, but I find that it's important to immerse ourselves in the all-encompassing unity of humankind.
carrier bag, video, 2023
sin-eater, video, 2023
A video diary depicting three weeks of testosterone injections.
From the British Library's Archives, I compare my gender transformation to the natural world.